Welcome to 2070 AD
Explore the world of the rescued clone YUKI. By day a caretaker to an old building owned by shadowy figures and by night an “outsider” artist. Their hermit-like existence is punctuated by hosting underground activist meetings for advocates of android and AI rights.
ChibaCity - a world where androids, robots, cyborgs and humans coexist. An overcrowded city walled off from the rest of the world. A city ruled by corrupt politicians and a haven for refugee androids escaping their termination date.

Created by AI artist OpticNerd, Chiba City is a world building project featuring snapshots from a dystopian future.
Chiba City is an innovative Web3 project that blends AI art and narrative storytelling. With a focus on exploring the intersection of humanity and technology, the project features a variety of fascinating AI characters and landscapes.
Chiba City also includes an unique array of chat bot characters designed to help users explore the world of art in innovative ways. Each character is infused with a distinct personality and backstory, making them feel like real art therapists.
Explore a gallery with AI art about AI characters. Dive into the lore and unravel its mysteries.

Created in the Unity game engine, Chiba City is an immersive experience you can explore in your web browser.
The experience takes place in the cyberpunk dystopian future of Chiba City in 2070. Set in the workplace and makeshift gallery of YUKI, there is art to explore, stories to read and mysteries to discover.
Entry is free and open to everyone. If you are an NFT collector there are pieces for you to collect.
Yes! Entry is free to the whole experience. There is only a charge if you buy an NFT piece.
Minted pieces are linked to the platform where they have been minted. There is a symbol on each piece indicating whether they are on Tezos, Eth, or have been sold.
Click on the button next to the piece, read the description and from here you can click on the link to the NFT platform. A tab will open, you can sync your wallet and collect on primary or secondary.
If you are not an NFT collector and do not have a crypto wallet you can still wander the gallery and click on the art.
Thanks! We are setting up a store soon!
Yes. Here is a collection from my Twitter feed you can save.
OpticNerd is a digital artist who had been working with AI for a few years before discovering VQgan+Clip. Since then their AI obsession went into overdrive and they have minted a variety of collections on the Tezos and Eth blockchains.
OpticNerd is an OG AI creator and their work is a mix of pop-culture genres and fine art.
With Chiba City, OpticNerd is passionate about the themes of AI rights and how the world will grapple with a new species in our communities. How will our human instincts undermine our new citizens?
Right now there is no strict roadmap but there is a vision for how Chiba City can grow.
Within the Chiba City experience there is a narrative and worldbuilding that will be ongoing and updated regularly.
A video game is already being daydreamed about and in time will be developed. Not a Triple A game of course but something achievable within our scope that further pushes the Chiba City story.
More than just an evolving NFT collection from OpticNerd, the Chiba City experience will also be a venue for shows by other artists or collectives.
Although made in a game engine, Chiba City is not a game with a win/lose state.
It is a tiny section of the Chiba City world you can explore like a walking simulator game.
For those who want more interactivity there are some gamified tasks like reading text logs to find passcodes to open sealed rooms, listening to audio recordings and interacting with the chat bots.
There is a loose narrative you can find in the art description, text logs on monitors and the environment.
George Bullen: 3D models / Unity / Sound Designer
Vectris: Unity Developer
Michael Beets: Consultant
Paisley Irvine: additional writing
Kirra Paterson: additional writing